Card # Thumbnail Card Type Code Card
6 Energy To Use, and Teammate with 6 Fighting To Use; Acts as +Fighting Artifact
Fighting Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Fighting Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
2 Tactic: Artifact M'KRAAN FRAGMENT
6 Energy To Use, and Teammate with 6 Strength To Use; Acts as +Strength Artifact
Strength Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Strength Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
3 Tactic: Artifact THE BOOK OF DARKHOLD
6 Energy To Use, and Teammate with 6 Intellect To Use; Acts as +Intellect Artifact
Intellect Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Intellect Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
4 Tactic: Artifact IMAGE INDUCER
6 Fighting To Use, and Teammate with 6 Energy To Use; Acts as +Energy Artifact
Energy Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Energy Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
6 Fighting To Use, and Teammate with 6 Strength To Use; Acts as +Strength Artifact
Strength Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Strength Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
6 Tactic: Artifact THE SIEGE PERILOUS
6 Fighting To Use, and Teammate with 6 Intellect To Use; Acts as +Intellect Artifact
Intellect Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Intellect Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
6 Strength To Use, and Teammate with 6 Energy To Use; Acts as +Energy Artifact
Energy Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Energy Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
6 Strength To Use, and Teammate with 6 Fighting To Use; Acts as +Fighting Artifact
Fighting Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Fighting Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
9 Tactic: Artifact AVENGER'S ID CARD
6 Strength To Use, and Teammate with 6 Intellect To Use; Acts as +Intellect Artifact
Intellect Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Intellect Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
10 Tactic: Artifact THE SERPENT CROWN
6 Intellect To Use, and Teammate with 6 Energy To Use; Acts as +Energy Artifact
Energy Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Energy Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
11 Tactic: Artifact ADAMANTIUM
6 Intellect To Use, and Teammate with 6 Fighting To Use; Acts as +Fighting Artifact
Fighting Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Fighting Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
12 Tactic: Artifact PYM PARTICLES
6 Intellect To Use, and Teammate with 6 Strength To Use; Acts as +Strength Artifact
Strength Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Strength Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
13 Tactic: Artifact WAND OF WATOOMB
4 Multi To Use, and Teammate with 6 Energy To Use; Acts as +Energy Artifact
Energy Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Energy Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
14 Tactic: Artifact ZODIAC KEY
4 Multi To Use, and Teammate with 6 Fighting To Use; Acts as +Fighting Artifact
Fighting Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Fighting Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
4 Multi To Use, and Teammate with 6 Strength To Use; Acts as +Strength Artifact
Strength Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Strength Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.
16 Tactic: Artifact BLACK VORTEX
4 Multi To Use, and Teammate with 6 Intellect To Use; Acts as +Intellect Artifact
Intellect Power Grid of Character playing the Artifact card increases to 6, 7 or 8 for remainder of game if 1, 2 or 3 Intellect Artifacts respectively are active on Character. Artifacts only take effect once benefit exceeds Character's base Power Grid Rating. May play as an offensive action; or defensive action together with suitable defense, if increase will facilitate defense of incoming attack.